Biological Causes of Diabetes Type 2

We already know that an autoimmune disease could be one of the main causes of diabetes type 1. New scientific research now indicates that one of the causes of diabetes type 2, as well as the progression of insulin resistance, could be attributed to the body’s immune system gone haywire.

Researchers have found antibodies within obese individuals, who are insulin-resistant, which are not found in obese individuals who are not insulin-resistant. In addition, they tested a medication which changes the immunity process in mice given fatty meals, and discovered that this drug can help to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

Even though the causes of diabetes type 2 have not been well-defined, it is understood that this condition runs in the family, indicating a hereditary aspect. Furthermore, although this disease is clearly connected to excess weight, not everybody that is overweight will get it. That is exactly what made the scientists look for other causes.

When stomach fat increases, it ultimately runs out of space. When this occurs fat cells can get stressed and irritated and sooner or later they die-off. Other cells of the immune system, referred to as the B and the T cells, also react to the distressed or dying fat cells. These kinds of cells are the types that produce certain antibodies that remember threats to our bodies. For instance, they are in charge of building immunity when you find yourself exposed to some viruses.

However in this case, rather than producing antibodies to protect against a foreign element, the T and the B cells produce antibodies against the fat cells. These antibodies then begin targeting fat cells, which causes them to become insulin resistant along with limiting their capacity to process fatty acids.

In this recent investigation researchers gave mice, that were not insulin-resistant, foods that were high in fat. During weeks 6 and 7, they gave a few of the mice a particular medication known as anti-CD20, while the rest were given absolutely no medication. Mice that took the drug did not establish insulin resistance, and additionally their blood glucose levels ended up being normal. The other mice, without the drug, had become insulin-resistant.

Researchers additionally analyzed blood samples coming from 32 obese individuals, half of which were already insulin-resistant. The individuals who happen to be insulin-resistant were found to have unique antibodies, in comparison to those individuals not having insulin resistance. This may suggest the possibility of creating a vaccine designed for type 2 diabetes, founded upon what seems to be defensive antibodies in individuals who are obese though not insulin-resistant.

It must be mentioned that anti-CD20 desensitizes your immune system and also causes unwanted side effects. It is questionable it might ever be used to treat type 2 diabetes for this reason, and due to the fact that various other treatment options are available.

This will not alter the existing course of action for type 2 diabetes treatment, however it is very important to recognize that type 2 diabetes seems to have a number of contributing factors to its development. For a few individuals a dysfunctional immune system could be one of the causes of diabetes. In the event that it is, then improved treatment options must be established.

People who have type 2 diabetes tend to be held accountable for getting this disease. However, a blend of hereditary as well as biological factors can also be causes of diabetes.

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