Symptoms of Diabetes Type 1

Following are the symptoms of diabetes Type 1 including its causes and treatment options. Type 1 diabetes is simply the result of a diminished output of insulin from the pancreas.

Specific tissues within the pancreas, which are known as the “Islets of Langerhans”, create the hormone known as insulin. This hormone prompts the cells of your body to absorb the glucose that’s within the blood and use it for energy and growth.

In Type 1 diabetes the cells which create the insulin are damaged. Subsequently, a lesser amount of glucose is absorbed out of the blood stream and into the body’s cells so it builds up in your system.

The Causes of Type 1 Diabetes

The reason this disease occurs aren’t truly known. Perhaps an auto-immune reaction attacking the cells within the Islets of Langerhans could be a reason. A viral infection might be yet another cause. The condition may also be inherited.

As soon as glucose absorption by the cells is diminished, it accumulates inside your system and has the following effects:
  • Your body’s cells are not getting adequate fuel.
  • The blood gets thicker causing water to be removed from your bodily tissues in order to dilute it. The tissues therefore become dehydrated and, in addition, the urine output increases.
  • Tissues then start breaking down proteins as well as fat in order to get energy, leading to loss of weight along with a decrease in muscle mass.

As a consequence of these actions some symptoms will start to appear.

Symptoms of Diabetes Type 1

The condition generally begins suddenly. It is most often found in children and young adults under 30 years of age, hence the nickname “juvenile diabetes.” The initial symptoms of diabetes Type 1 usually are:
  • Excess urine creation
  • Loss of feeling in the feet or a tingling sensation
  • Unusually increased thirst because of the elevated urine production
  • An excessive appetite
  • Experiencing fatigue as well as feeling drained
  • Losing weight despite the fact that you are eating well
  • Impaired eye sight

If your sugar level has not been stabilized within the normal range, you will encounter a build-up of compounds in your body known as ketones, this type of condition is known as diabetic ketoacidosis. This particular condition is very serious and can bring about coma and even death.

Warning signs of ketoacidosis are:
  • Dryness of the mouth
  • Stomach pain
  • Vomiting
  • Breathing rapidly
  • Rapid heart beat
  • Extreme state of drowsiness

Here are some other symptoms of diabetes which can occur if the blood sugar gets too low:
  • Nervousness
  • Headaches
  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • General weakness
Ultimately, diabetes Type 1 may significantly damage blood vessels within your vital organs. This will likely cause additional harm to one’s heart, kidneys, eyes and other bodily organs.

Treatment for Diabetes Type 1

Type 1 diabetes is usually helped by insulin shots. Another significant component of one’s treatment method is management of the quantity of fat and sugar that is eaten so that it corresponds with the amount of insulin being injected. In addition, frequent tracking of one’s blood sugar level is a crucial part in the treatment of diabetes.

You can also find natural remedies which can help normalize your glucose level and others that can reduce the symptoms of diabetes. They include minerals which are components of enzymes which will energize the metabolic process within your body. In addition there are natural herbs which have been useful for quite a long time by conventional medicine to manage glucose levels and have been proven effective by scientific research.

These remedies won’t be able to cure the illness or eliminate insulin shots, nevertheless they can assist your body in controlling your glucose level and could also help alleviate some of the symptoms of diabetes.

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