Carbohydrate Metabolism

Once the food is start digesting, the first nutrient that is extracted out is glucose or sugar and released into the blood stream for energysing the body cells calles as glucose metabolism.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are sugars and starches, provides energy to the body needed for its various activities. Energy can also been supplied by fats we eat. Some common carbohydrate sources are bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, cereals and sugars.
What is Glucose / Carbohydrate metabolism

Digestion and start of glucose metabolism
Once the food we ate reaches stomach, glucose metabolism begins with first glucose is separated and released into the blood stream and thus glucose level in blood rises.

Insulin secretion by pancreas
Pancreas response to rising blood glucose level by immediately releasinginsulin, proportional to the level of glucose in blood. Human Insulin is a chemical messenger (a hormone).

Glucose consumption by body cells
Insulin in blood comments
liver to stop releasing glucose into the blood-stream
body cell to start consuming glucose. 

Glycogen storage by the liver
After necessary glucose consumption is completed and if there is any excess glucose still available in the blood-stream then liver start converting this excess glucose in to glycogen and stored it for future requirements.

Glycogen to glucose conversion
If we are not having our food in time and the body cells needs energy then liver converts back stored glycogen in to glucose and releases it in to the blood stream.

Glucose metabolism and diabetes
If there is any problem or defect in the glucose metabolism; whether it is glucose absorption, insulin secretion, glucose utilization, glucose storage or releasing stored glucose. This minor defect in glucose metabolismwill slowly develop diabetes.

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