A Diabetic Diet and Type 1 Diabetes

Most type one diabetes sufferers understand that a crucial part of their diabetic diet is in knowing exactly how many carbs are eaten at meal time. Simply by being aware of this it will be possible to determine the quantity of insulin needed for your meal to maintain proper blood sugar (glucose) levels. Even though other foods, like fat and protein, have an impact on blood sugar levels, they are not as great, nor do they act as quickly as carbohydrates.
In order to maintain normal glucose levels, a diabetic diet has to balance what is eaten with the quantity of insulin taken and also take into account the amount of physical activity. Although it is not always true, exercise will typically help lower the level of sugar in the blood. If you are not conscientious about balancing these three aspects on a daily basis, you may undergo some large swings in your glucose level.
If you are a type 1 diabetic who takes fixed dosage of insulin, it is very important that the amount of carbohydrates in your meals as well as in your snacks remains fairly consistent on a daily basis.
Children and a Diabetic Diet
The nutritional requirements for a child having type 1 (juvenile) diabetes, is determined by how much they weigh and their growth pattern. Children, as well as adults, will be better able to manage their glucose levels with better eating habits and additional physical activity.
When certain special occasions crop up during the year, like Halloween, Christmas or birthdays, additional planning is required as most likely there will be extra sweets consumed like candy and deserts. Should the child indulge in some of these sugary delights, it is vital that they eat fewer carbohydrates during the day to compensate. For instance, the child will definitely want a piece of birthday cake but then they should avoid eating their normal daily allowance of carbs coming from other sources like pasta or rice. In this manner, they will have a better chance of maintaining balance between the carbs and calories they consumed.
Diabetic Diet Meal Planning
Many diabetics will tell you that planning meals is one of the toughest parts in controlling diabetes. Your doctor or nutritionist should be able to develop a meal plan that fits your tastes as well as your lifestyle while still maintaining near normal levels of blood sugar. Your diet should also be structured so that you eat the appropriate amount of calories in order to maintain the ideal body weight.
Since it is extremely important to balance your insulin and food intake in order to maintain near normal levels of blood glucose, take note of the following pointers:
  • Your taste in food as well as the amount of your physical activity should be taken into consideration by your doctor or dietitian in developing your diabetic diet
  • You will need to learn the timing between when you eat and when your insulin begins to take effect
  • Follow an eating routine and have your meals and snacks at about the same time every day
  • Never skip any meal, keep your body on a regular eating schedule
  • Be consistent with the amount of protein, carbs and fats you eat each day
  • Learn to read and understand food labels so you know the amount of carbs you are eating
  • As with your meals, try to take your insulin around the same time every day or as directed by your physician
Just because you have type 1 diabetes, it doesn’t mean you have to give up everything you like. However, it does mean you may have to change the type of foods that you eat on a regular basis.
Obviously, the foods you eat should help you control your blood sugar as well as provide you with proper nourishment while maintaining a healthy body weight. Just remember that a diabetic diet needs to be tailored to your likes and dislikes as well, or you will have a hard time following it.

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