Diabetic Diet Food Myths

There are many diabetic diet myths out there about what you can and cannot eat. Most experts suggest a change in one’s lifestyle that includes more physical activity and better eating habits.

This is a good thing because it is an effective and relatively easy way to control your diabetes. Also, when you shift your focus to living a healthy lifestyle it will probably result in weight loss which lowers your risk of developing diabetic complications from being overweight.

Forbidden fare

You have most likely heard that sugary foods are a no-no in any diabetic diet. That is obviously not true because nearly all types of food contain sugar so you don’t need to avoid it completely.

In addition, sugar is only one many different food items that can cause an increase in blood glucose. Starches like pasta can also do harm to the body. What you need to do is create balance in your diet.

Best food group

Some people believe that they can eat as much food containing protein as they want, guess again. You can eat the same food the rest of your family is eating as long as your meals are balanced. With a balanced diabetic diet you can still have your favorite foods, including desert, just as long as you monitor the amount of calories, carbohydrates and your blood glucose level.

Variety and portion

You should definitely eat a variety of different foods. When sitting down at mealtime make sure you have a “colorful plate” (different veggies and fruits, lean meat, nuts). The only restriction you have is to make sure you are eating a good variety of foods and in the proper quantity.

By quantity you should consume an ample amount of food, not too much but also make sure you don’t have too little. Also, never skip a meal. It’s better to have frequent smaller meals at roughly the same time every day because this will help control your glucose level. You should also talk to you doctor or dietitian about meal quantity.

Best foodstuff

I’m sure you are still waiting to find out what the best foods are in a diabetic diet. Here are some of the recommended food items:
  • Fresh produce (vegetables and fruits)
  • Dairy products (low-fat)
  • High fiber (beans, wheat bran)
  • Fish (not fried)
  • Poultry
  • Lean meat
Once again these are foods your whole family can enjoy and there are countless recipes you can try.


Your alcohol intake needs to be restricted, not eliminated, because even moderate drinking may increase your blood sugar. Excessive drinking, however, can have the reverse effect and cause low blood sugar. This is because your liver’s glucose production slows down as it tries to metabolize the alcohol in your blood.

Carefully monitor your blood glucose before drinking and never drink on an empty stomach. It is suggested that men have no more than 2 drinks a day and women no more than one drink, but only if your glucose level is under control.

Try not to get stressed out about your diet if you’re a diabetic. Enjoy well balanced meals and also add some exercise to the mix and you’ll be able to maintain healthy sugar levels. Always remember to talk to your doctor before trying any new diabetic diet.

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